📖 Lin collection project management
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„Brauchst du dieses Feature wirklich?“ und 11 weitere Learnings: https://prototypefund.de/12-learnings/
Methods & tools
Methods & frameworks
User Story Mapping is useful to plan which features to work on first. It can be useful alone, but it is particularly helpful for working in teams: https://jpattonassociates.com/the-new-backlog/
There is also a Thema, User Story Mapping by Jeff Patton: https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/user-story-mapping/9781663728661/
Kanban is a relatively lightweight project management method. Think of it as a slightly expanded todo list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanban
Stand-up-meetings usually happen daily: Meet with the team, everyone tells everyone else the answers to these 3 questions: What did I do since the last stand-up? What do I want to do today? What is blocking me? Keep these short. It is meant as a mutual short update. Don't go into discussions, note questions down and ask them after the stand-up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stand-up_meeting#Software_development
Governance Readiness Checklist: https://sustainoss.org/governance-readiness/
There are various open source project management tools based on the idea of having virtual cards or sticky notes. If you already use an issue tracker or git hosting, a similar feature might be already implemented there.
Whiteboards and FOSS-alternatives for Miro: